Fiddle Tune Tuesdays: Week 5 - Waiting for Summer by David Pascoe

How the time flies… it’s already week 5 of Fiddle Tune Tuesdays!

When we first started this musical endeavor, we threatened to throw original tunes (and even songs) into the mix. This week, we’re making good on our threat with "Waiting for Summer," an original tune that Dave wrote in the spring of 2018.

To be more specific, this tune is really about waiting for summer tour. If you’ve never booked a tour, it's an arduous task. You’re often all alone in your living room, wrestling the internet to the ground one Google search at a time as you look for friendly venues in faraway places. There’s a sliver of light at the end of the tunnel, but it takes some strange goggles to see it through the zigzag routes & backwards spreadsheets that make up the booking process.

Once in a while, you just need to take a break and stretch your fingers. This tune was born in such a break. We hope that it can provide you too with a reprieve from any stresses & spreadsheets you may be experiencing today.

All our love,

Late for the Train