Press - Uncut Grass' "Plant It or Build It" Review

It’s a rare treat when your music catches an international ear. We’re proud and delighted to share a feature of Plant It or Build It from Uncut Grass, an international roots music blog based in Germany.

Thank you Severin Theinert for the close listen and thoughtful write-up! Check out some excerpts below or read the full review here (scroll down to October 2020).

“This record is like a small blooming flower inside of this year's chaos.”

If you decide to give them a listen then I recommend the first track, “Sang Through The Summer.“ This song combines all the above mentioned instrumental and vocal skills and arrangement. The next stand out for me was track 4, “Timbre“ - a very nice up-tempo folk song with great lyrics, a beautiful arrangement and tight harmonies.

“The mixture of styles here is very elegant and sensitive. We get celtic music, folk, bluegrass, but most of all, excellent songwriting.”